Tuesday, July 14, 2009

C&c cage for guinea pigs?

hey, i've got 4 guinea pigs and i'm currently keeping them in a pet-shop cage which is too small... i've researched on-line and found c%26amp;c cages which are like much more spacious. i live in singapore and i'm wondering where i can get the materials to make my own c%26amp;c cage or best, buy a ready-made one.

does anyone know how big the cage should be for 4 piggies? you know, the number of grids for the length and breadth. and can i attach a hay rack for a c%26amp;c cage? i really need some good advice as i'm a first timer.

by the way, does anyone know what's the best bedding to use for guinea pigs? i'm using newspaper currently and i have to change it twice a day. i heard carefresh is the best, but i also heard that it's a bit dusty. i'm not getting the ultra ones because they are not ecomonical and too expensive! one question though, when you clean out the cage like once a week, does the carefresh feel damp and musty or does it feel dry like the package claims? i need some advice. thanks.

C%26amp;c cage for guinea pigs?

Try this site. I found it to be very helpful with all the research needed in keeping piggies as pets.

You can order premade ones of of that site, ebay and you can order the supplies needed off line.

As for bedding, I don't suggest continueing with the newspaper because if they eat it, they can get ill from the ink or things on the paper. Carefresh can be a little musky and heavy, but should only be that way where they have gone to the bathroom. I suggest a hay, timothy and alfalfa work best, preferably something that is edible, not the straw found on hay rides.

And hay racks. you can get creative and fashion one from remaining peices of the grid or you can zip-tie or twisty-tie one onto the side. It makes to difference to the piggies.

Also, you may want to make or buy a 2 story house. You can make the bottom smaller that way, but they'd still have plenty of room.

Have fun with your new piggies and good luck finding what you need.

Try this site it should give you some ideas. I used aspen pine bedding. I know that your not supposed to use cedar or pine because of the oils. Its been a while since I had a pig but good luck.

i will probably be getting mine off of here and i will be getting two...

or this site



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